Well: The most fun multiplayer I have had would be
Duke Nukem 3D -- 4 player coop on the hardest difficulty, 2 guys with shotguns and 2 using pipebombs to blow up corpses to avoid respawns.. And also
Rainbow Six -- the original one -- when we introduced the game to a full lan party and ended up playing 16 players 8 v 8. "BREACHING DOOR!" "COVER ME!" "CONTACT!!!" .. Never heard so much exited yelling at a lan before, except for
QUAKEWORLD CTF/TF and a lot of *expletive deleted*.
And how many remember rQuake -- The Rendition Veritie version of Quake.exe -- one of the early 3D Accelerators (and it looked a lot nicer than 3dfx version of Quake).
The most fun for a "army fanboi" would be
OPERATION FLASHPOINT. The Singleplayer game, demo and campaign blew me away in terms of what a Strategic Shooter was. And when I first played Multiplayer CTI (capture the isle) and BF1985 (Battlefield 1985 mod for OPF) I was hooked! Also, playing as an "embedded" in a coopertive scenario with a very hardcore group of players was the single most fun gameplay experience online I've had. There is something to be said about moving around in a 'tactical formation' while on ventrilo and playing a online game, then spotting the enemy, lining up as a firig line and waiting for 'permission to fire' before engaging the enemy... Epic!
As far as FPS with epic story goes; I guess the original
HALO was "epic" although I and many other PC users were very disappointed when the game became a XBOX exclusive for so long. It was still a great game, except for the repeating parts latter on in the game.
Most original concept for a FPS would be the game
XIII -- a.k.a. Thirteen, which was a cell-shaded First Person shooter. With cool features such as a "cartoon style closeup" whenever you got a headshot. If you did not get sick from the way the graphics were, I'm sure you'd love it.
Another great FPS which introduced me to FPS on consoles for the first time, and that it could actually work real well, and be fun, both singleplayer, coopertively and vs mode was the Gamecube title
Timesplitters 2. This game is one everyone should experience. I believe the same guys who made it made a PC title named
Second Sight which you should also check out.
The scariest FPS i've played would be
Aliens vs. Predator and the followup
Aliens vs. Predator 2. Another great title that was unfortunately very poorly received is
Undying. This title was a very good in the early stages of the game, much like
Doom 3 before you get a gun. There is something much scarier about going inside a space station with a flashlight... than a flashlight and a keybind 7 for Rocket Launcher.
Other honorable mentions in no particular order:
Half Life,
Half Life 2,
Armed Assault,
Duke Nukem Forever (whenver it gets released),
Prey (for the real .. annoying upside-down fps). and lots of other games I forgot.
But the best FPS of them all would be :
Edit: Oh yea, Doom, Doom3 and Wolf3D were great as well. They were responsible for ruining a lot of my schoolwork