hello, so i am new to stardock windows fx. im trying to install some custom animations. ive got them installed but no idea on how to activate them. anyone could help me out or link a guide on how to use custom script animations with fx?
Hello,Sorry to hear you are having issues. Not sure if your installed custom animations are compatible with WindowFX. Please review this guide: https://www.scritub.com/limba/engleza/software/WindowFX-Animation-Scripting-S2451319420.php. And if its in the same format as mentioned in there. You should copy the animation Scripts files into this directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock\WindowFX\Scripts
Thank you.Basj,Stardock Community Assistant.
Those new animations should be at animations tab on each action list.
hi this is the options i have when i use custom animations. heres the first screen shot
Screen shot #1 https://imgur.com/T0abwlh
Screen shot #2https://imgur.com/VoSI7Si
Try looking here:
Thank you,
Basj,Stardock Community Assistant
As Basj shown,you chose the anima.tion from there,then simply clicked the one you like,that's. Not choosing from there (https://imgur.com/T0abwlh).
Hi thank you, basj and Gaspershooters, I did get it working now. For some odd reason it wouldn’t show up before I’m not sure why. But I also plan on making some scripts for stardock windows fx. I appreciate the help.
Great, glad to help.
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