Update after playing another week (As ordered from above):
Yes please make matchmaker or ELO, even if its meant to be a casual fun title, the ability to balance teams quickly is a big thing for a lobby host. Also vanilla 10's seems to be now faster or fastest game speed (I use faster) normal everything below, with capital victory and colonization victory off, and rotating planets on. The Colonization victory is currently triggering way to early (eg if 1 player dies and it goes 4v5) with major battles that could happen out of position still ahead meaning fleet sizes say stalemate but if one player gets caught vs 2 and their teammate doesn't get there in time then it can swing back drastically.
HP Fixes and Small craft Balance:
I still see a few HP fixes here and there. For any new players reading the big features here are related to upgrades to Hull, armor and shields, and regen for those in research, Capital ship levels and capital ship level ups, and the armor regen and shield regen ship upgrade items, all in addition to ship abilities that could be leveled up 2-3 times at the point of battle. Hard to say all the time but I still see a few issues where the match environment is not using a clean clock on all the processes. Anything that can be done to restrict clock juicing is much needed. Also seeing a good bit of hitching movement speed. Certain players dancing across the map like a sail boat and not able to catch up. Bigger percentages than can be accounted for by upgrades and phase resonance upgrades.
Small craft are currently very dominant, I'd say they are even stronger than in rebellion, and somehow the flack craft are weaker and maintaining kill zone less often without direct micro. Flack frigates on TEC and Advent are still useful but fighter numbers have to be matched to some extent or the match is just over. Flack frigates will no longer just make kill lines with enough of them, and I think the game's automatic function is suffering in some way in this regard. They seem to choose silly targets to shoot when positioned then left to shoot small things (which should be their use). Shooting further away targets than optimal or not using guns on both sides seems to be a common problem here.
I had to brush up heavily on the anti-fighter game on Vasari. I thought the main swatter was the Oppressor Cruiser since its in the first slot. It does hit fighters, but only facing forward and with medium weapons, seems mostly ineffective and doesn't use side guns as far as I can tell like flack should. The Vasari do not have fighter strike craft, so you literally have to just pour massive amount of army supply into Defensor corvettes and target fire craft over and over (very tedious and difficult). One trick is to zoom out some so the craft are easier to rest on and click, and there is a weird function where after you shoot a strike craft, they take a quick shot at other strike craft around them and do massive split fire (very good) but only for 1s then they go back to shooting capital or whatever (very silly).
I don't know what the answer is there for what to change, but many players are very confused on how to play Vasari vs smallcraft. The main thing I could think of was add a toggle on all ships for targeting for "nearest strike craft or corvette" and then the default setting would just be the normal auto-attack AI. That way you could just set up (for all races) attack nearest strike craft or corvette on all your flack and fighters and corvettes and just worry about regrouping them occasionally, not constant micro. Also the little free-fire after focus kill on strike craft with Defensors seems a bit OP as if your milking some hidden secret. Better to have standard fighter saturation, favoring chasing fighters splitting damage across the whole field instead of doing over-damage focusing on a single target with everything.
The Ogorov and equiavalent is basically obsolete right now with most players just massing long range frigates or cheaper cruisers so maybe a nerf is in order. I heard one was coming but I didn't study the BETA yet.