Microsoft has made changes in Windows from xp to 7 to 11, etc. Those changes made it necessary for Stardock to modify and update Windowblinds in order to get it work with the newer versions of Windows. All of those changes will inevitably break some or many of the older skins, who were created specifically for Windows xp or Windows 7, etc. The only solution that I know of, is for the original creator of that skin to do a update for Windows 10 or 11, and in many cases, that is not going to happen. Some of the original creators may not be around any more, or if they are, they are not interested in doing any updates. There are a few exceptions here and there, but that's the reality. Lightstar is one of the few exceptions that is updating his blinds. That's my take on the situation, unless Stardock knows of a way or a fix for those older skins, but it may be that the best thing to do is to just focus on the newer skins, and let those old skins go into the dustbin of history, even if we like them. Some of the old skins still work, and I have no issues, but other old skins are just simply broken in Windows 10 or 11.