So far, I am loving Start 11 V2. It makes Windows so much more productive, but I think it is missing a few things:
1) I like that we can add Files to the Start Menu, but we cannot add Access .accdb files? What makes this weirder is if I add the folder that that an .accdb is in, then it will show up.
2) If we add a System folder to Start 11 that has a .accdb file in it, can you not show its lock file? .laccdb It is a temporary file only when the access file is open, so it shouldn't be shown (imo)
3) If we add a system folder to Start 11, can you add the ability to show hidden folders? This way I can hide them from users but I need them to maintain the application and want easy access to them.
4) Is it possible to give a title to a Group of Tabs. Like a Hierarchy? Example. I have different applications that I maintain, and they each have a Development version, a UAT version, and a Production version. I want to name the grouping of tabs like 'Claims Forms' and then each tab being 'Dev', 'UAT', and 'Production'. Like the mockup below

5) Can you improve upon Jump lists? I don't know if this is possible but it would be great if we can reorder them and have submenus?
6) Can you also add the ability to reverse the bottom bar. It is preferable to have the power button (imo) close to the Start Menu and my Profile name on the right. So just completely reverse the order of the icons.

7) Ability to open Start11 in full screen mode when in touch/ tablet mode BUT only when in touch/ tablet mode.