Game 4 found two players by turn 6
Game 5 lost a Col ship and Discovery by turn 6 found three AI by turn 25
Game 6 turned Galaxy to beginner (feels like a buster) also I don’t think this effects space monsters or precursors. ( Now I am almost certain it doesn’t found so many nests I couldn’t believe it.) Found Yor turn 4. Lost Col ship and discovery turn 8. Lost second Col ship turn 10. Found second AI turn 19.
Game 7 Found AI turn 4. Found the second AI turn 5.
Gamr 8 Found AI turn 5. ( Beat their Colony ship by one turn, I had changed the humans around so that they got two extra moves and I think this is the only reason I was able to snag this core world.) Found second AI turn 7. Snagged 5 cores with heavily gambling I put them into planets with nest and immediately put governors on them so they couldn’t be invaded. Noticed the other AIs all started in their own sector once I built the eye of the universe. Ima play this one out and see how it goes.