I've been scratching my head on what happened to the improved assembly techs in the yor tech tree & the various things that go along with them. Tonight I finally broke down & tried using all stock xmls after steam verify integrity (something I thought I was already using) & just loading a straight default yor game to compare the tech tree to the xmls
Take Fast Assembly for example, it's gated with SparkOfLife in improvementdefs.xml
Look in YorTechDefs.xml for SparkOfLife & It's gated by PlanetarySpecialization2/3/4 like so
Look at those, and they are gated with PlanetUtilizationTech like so
Look at that & it's gated by PropagationTech
PropagationTech only needs TechTree so should be a nonissue.
Look those up in YorTechDefsText.xml & you get "Colonization">"Planet Utilization", > "Accelerated Reproduction"/"Enhanced Production"/"Mining Specialization">"Spark of Life".... I don't see any of those, so I did a delete of xml files & told steam to validate integrity before loading up a game
So I load up a new game with stock yor Investigation>Propagation>planetology> Environmental Engineering>extreme colonization>Colonial engineering> colonization focus:Aquatic/Frozen/Barren world Mastery. I didn't see anything about investigation or before & the word investigation is not in yortechdefstext.xml, neither is planetology or environmental egineering. Extreme colonization is though, so I backtrack YorExtremeWorldColonization_Name in yortechdefs.xml & find it's gated by TerraformingTech which in turn is gated by PlanetarySpecialization2 /PlanetarySpecialization3/PlanetarySpecialization4... or Accelerated Reproduction & Mining Specialization, neither of which are in the tech tree I'm seeing to lead back to the original problem.
What the bleep? Maybe I should go to bed?
I know it's been a while since I did any work on the xml files for galciv, but this feels like there is a bug somewhere that may or may not involve the xml files themselves. Possibly related to picking synthetic/inorganic/organic at the race level instead of setting it by however it used to be?