Awwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.
Alien ships y u no shoot back?
I would imagine they were too busy soiling themselves and being catatonic at the sight of an enormous alien fleet of some pretty enormous ships come from literally nowhere in the midst of your own force, and then begin to lazily carve your ships to bits as if they had no defenses at all. The Drengin are nothing but bullies, and so they react as bullies always do to superior force...fear and paralysis.
How the battle on terrain was pictured, a single marrine got out of his capsule and took two shots at something, then another marrine took two shots at two lonely enemy soldiers (seemed to be an invasion army)... well not too epic i would say. of course it is mainly the matter of money but i would picture a full scale assult on enemy possitions with air defense shotting down arriving landing parties, then a huge wave of tanks, marrines, hellicopters piricing throught enemy defense lines.
you should realy learn from blizzard how to creat such movies. these really increase the desire to play
And that was not bad but could be better:
The disign of the ships - flying squares are not bad but in my case i would like to see something more... well may be elegant. some models looked good, but some seemed to be taken from some old fiction books.
The battle at space again could be more epic - there was no resistance for invading party, no drama. it looked like we knew how would win eventualy
Considering the Terran fleet was blowing ships out of the sky near the surface as well as in orbit, it stands to reason they were probably bombarding strategic positions from orbit also. The troops dropped on the ground were probably a mop-up force, and considering how their armor and weapons outclass those of the Drengin so completely, the troops probably felt the mission was boring and tedious.
Also...helicopters...I'm thinking no. Some sort of highly maneuverable vtol craft with hover capability...sure. But honestly it would probably still be a trans-atmospheric craft, which a helicopter of any variety is never going to be. Tanks of some kind will probably always exist as kind of the battleships and cruisers of land wars. While mechs will probably be more like the faster frigates and destroyers.
It was intended fully (I think, anyway) to demonstrate that the returning Terran fleet is going to be an event on the order of the return of the Dread Lords. They'll be all but unstoppable.
I can see that the ships could've looked better. I don't mind blocky ships, to an extent, nor angular ships...though I prefer curvaceous ships. But the ships in the trailer did more resemble the designs of kindergarteners, heavily detailed and refined (very prettily so) but not significantly altered, by adults. They look...clunky...not like military vessels. Though I'll say this...almost anything is better than the ships in EVE Online. Those ships may seem extremely pretty (and truthfully, they are gorgeous), but they would never be useful in even rudimentary combat. Most of them would be completely unflyable. And as such, they just don't look right...much the same problem with the default ships in the GalCiv games.
I'm hopeful that they'll have enough of the right kind of generic parts (various degrees of sections of saucers and spheres, rather than complete ones that are never quite right), and that the individual parts of the races' styles will be more useable. I say this because I will neither ask, nor expect, them to change their designs, especially not after this long of the series' existence. It's theirs and they can do as they like. But I'll pretty much never use a default design. Pointless as it is, I insist on my ships making pragmatic sense in design.
As for Blizzard, I haven't really ever been impressed with their cinematic work. While, by now, object and character motion are top notch, and the resolution of models and textures are great, the designs of the environments, characters, objects and whatnot are...horrible, just terrible. They're like bad cartoons trying to be real. It's hideous. not learn anything from Blizzard, I want you to make good games, not crap games.