Golems-> Ironeers only
Juggernaughts -> Yithril only
Slaves -> Tied to Slavelord trait perhaps?? (its a bit weak for being 2 points at the moment ... imho)
Henchmen -> ??? (either way)
that leaves ...
Krax, Amarian, Wraith, and Tarth. (and possibly Magnar/Altar) for racial specials.
Well hmm ...
lets keep Altar with Henchmen for now. Magnar needs something new though. It already has +50% fire resist and -50% cold resistance.
Hmm ... Well flesh bound totem is an interesting trait. Maybe we should just merge that trait with the Magnar race? That opens up an extra trait slot for the Faction as a whole. Would give the Quendar synergy with slaves (without being tied directly to them), and would reinforce Magnar's place as an ancient race created from dark magics (sort of like how the Juggernaughts do for the Yithril). I mean ... if Death Lash and Consume energy (or whetever its called) are Quendar only ... I dunno, would give more flavor to the race I think.
ALTERNATIVELY, instead of looking at their slave preference and their ancient magical origins ... we could instead look upon their reptilian nature.
+50% fire -50% cold already has a good deal of the 'lizard nature' covered ... especially in terms of being 'Volcano Lizards.'
However, we could do more. For instance, scales and chainmail, could we say they are similar? Why not?
Therefore +2 cutting defense on all Quendar race units. (this could even be added if Fleshbound totem was consumed, I suppose).
But +2 cutting defense (along with +50%/-50%) isn't enough of a racial strength, if you compare it to Juggs or Golems. So what else? Training ophidians? Probably not ... however perhaps allowing a certain type of mount to be bought/used by Champions. Say ... either Skath or Umberdroth? Or perhaps a 'Fire Skath' for more flavor flair. Should trained units be able to ride Fire Skaths? Well, not unless we make an additional resource for fire skaths ... perhaps produced by a unique replacement for Skath Pits. (or an earlier, separate building).
So in addition to +50/-50 ... either make DeathLash et al (flesh bound) Quendar race specific, or add +2 cutting defense and the ability to buy fire skaths as Mounts.
For Krax? Krax are already pretty good (+10 defense at half health, plus fortify .... quite nice actually). However, if we were to add something, what would it be? Perhaps better catapults? (Either better, more varied defense, or perhaps a slight initiative boost) --> Although honestly I could see either Capitar or Gilden as more likely recipients of the "Better Catapult". (probably Capitar, actually ... Mercenaries plus Siege weapons has a nice ring to it, imho).
So if not Heavy Catapults (+def), or Trebuchets (+init) for Kraxis ... then what? Honestly Krax might be strong enough as a race to not need much of a boost. Its a fine line ... balance. Faction editor balance is probably not even possible, while Default Faction balance is still quite challenging.
That being said, the Amarians and the Wraith likely still need a boost.
Oh Tarth? yea ... Stealth + Scout is enough for them ... even if it is just a faction trait (instead of a racial)
Wraith however ... I could certainly see Binding linked to them. Wraith as a race is somewhat weak, however binding is somewhat strong, so I think it fits
As far as the Amarians, well the spell books of the Decalon certainly seem to take their sweet time in arriving (half-way through the tech tree). Not exactly what I expected, AND you can just buy spell books from an AI pariden faction
Therefore, what I think the Amarians need are a couple race-specific Unit-editor traits. One a fairly cheap (5 cost) trait that increases magic resistance (by 5? 10?). Next, (three?) relatively expensive traits (15 cost?) that increase elemental attack +2 (fire, cold, and lighting). Alternatively just choose between cold and lightning. Possibly have them be 20 cost, as traits don't cost crystal. ---> Perhaps instead just give them stronger magical staves (+1 or +2 of the original damage). Either way, something to do with being a bit stronger in magic (both offense and defense) at least on the trained units level.