There is no hiding production from auqia when he openly admitted to me on teamspeak he was watching the live feed on his other monitor.
Hmm ya I missed that, as I had the sound off since I was watching this at work.
Kinda a lame move by auqia, but then he's always come across as that sort of person.
After all, by watching the feeds you discourage the production of feeds as competative players will be at a disadvantage.
Perhaps I'll make an account myself on for the hell of it.
After all competition will breed better quality productions. Personally i think livestream doesn't work well on sins as the time for a game to form can take hours...people just want to see the action. Its good as a novelty though, I enjoyed watching em, good work!
I have yet to use the stream to spy on you or your team, in the 2 games that I can think of that I had the stream running while were were playing vs one-another I turned the monitor off in one and completely ignored it in the other.
Honorable move, after all cheating only takes away more from your own experience then that of another's.