Well, I actually just had a strong desire to play a bit just now. More-so to finish off my DA/TA spy cost research to finally finish that personal project. I think it will only take 1 more game to verify if my last game's thought process was correct.
Some reason I thought about a cash refund instead of carrying over spending to the next spy since THAT doesn't happen. Figuring in that much, I can see how much I'm expecting my treasury to be the following week, finish the spy and compare the two numbers. The amount higher my treasury is vs what I was expecting then could be taken off of what I just spent on that spy since it was over-spending... I did 1 run with that, I just need to confirm it now. 100 spies will take a bit to do, but perhaps after the first dozen or so matching EXACTLY may sway my desire to finish off all 100. I also keep under the 20k mark to try and avoid spending differences. Running Iconians and getting my paws on the one Krynn building makes things easy to keep my treasury low, being able to spend about 62.5-75% of my income on spies can hamper any strong economy.
As for my weekend...
Friday I went out for steak as a b-day treat. A local steakhouse makes one of the best steaks I've ever tasted. It's mainly just a dry rub with heavy black pepper, seared to perfection...
Saturday I was regretting my promise to help my wife out at her work. I got a cooshy office job, I'm soft. She works in a garden center, lifting trees/planet/wheelbarrows and shoveling all day. Oi I wasn't ready for that. I woke up yesterday and could barely move my legs. Then due to my extreeme whiteness (partly also to blame my Irish heritage) I got a nasty sun burn on neck/arms/face.
Sunday was filled with Rock Band, beer and pizza. Oh yeah...and Peggle ~eyes squint~ DAMN YOU PEGGLE!!!!