Alright, from recomendations above I read a couple books:
The Curse of Chalion: Hated it. Is this even fantasy? Chivalry yes, but not swords and sorcery fantasy. Seriously, how is a story about a war hero going into retirement by becoming a tutor for a whiny princess supposed to be interesting? Through the entire book I don't remember a single combat scene or, for that matter, any action at all. Pure endless dribble. Your grandmother might like this book.
Lord Foul's Bane: This is a story about an incredibly depressed, pessimistic loser who has to carry a mysterious "magic gold ring" to the "council of Elrond Lords", led by a "ranger" girl because the "Dark Lord" is going to return to conquer the world. This is another Lord of the Rings clone, except this time, the hero has leprosy, is a rapist, and a moron.
So, yeah, needless to say, I wouldn't recommend any of the above to anyone interested in fantasy reading.
Also, I just started to read The Belgariad. I've gotten through a few chapters, but so far...meh.
On a positive note, I was walking through my local library yesterday and picked up the first six novels from the Dragonlance series for $1.50 and I'm loving them. Great storytelling, great character/setting exposition and a good mix of combat and non-combat situations. These are fantastic books - feels like they were pulled right out of a D&D campaign.
Also, I found this link of the top 20 fantasy writers of all time. Kind of interesting.