Hey guys, me and my friend have remade Battle of the Dragons for nwn2. If you are unfamilure with battle of the dragons it is very simaler to DotA for warcraft III if your unfamilure ith that:
This is how it works two teams are formed up of NPC's Roshnak and Aniel each side spawns npc's that do battle. The player joins a side and battles it out. Its pvp fun for everyone. heh well..... as one levels up and becomes stronger you start fighting each other on opposite teams and attempt to kill the dragons Roshnak if your on Aneil or Aneil if your on Roshnak... there can be more then 200 NPCs in a game at once..more then any other module currently
Currently the server is up in the team section of game spy we also encorage joining the forums but if you want to just stop buy thats fine. Currently we are in the bata phase of testing so suggetions are welcome. The fist two maps are client files so you dont need to download anything..if you want to play the player mapes then you can download them here. http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=GlobalSearch we are not currently patched to 1.13 but we will in the next week.
THe forums are here http://botdragons.proboards38.com/index.cgi
If your do regester on the forums pm Ben Hope to see you there.....