HELP. I recently added one license to account that had 3. I had to purchase the additional account. Since then, my laptop (which has always had Fences) is giving me a pop up that says my subscription is expired and provides the "renew", "Enter product key", and "Purchase product key". None of which will connect to the server and reauthorize this computer. Additionally, a payment has already come out of my account but on my account page says it will come out on 12/9/2025 that's next year so I know it's paid.
I also tried offline activation and received a message saying that the key I entered is not valid for this computer.
I submitted a help ticket two days ago and yesterday received reply to post it here. THAT IS NOT CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!
Any ideas on this one? This computer has never had an issue until they processed my last payment. Do they generate a new key with each renewal? Could my purchase of an additional license messed up my old one? Where can I see which computers are on my current license key?
Thanks for any help and info.