Quoting Glorytoukraine2022,
This is the MSStyles theme. So make sure that Windows blinds can change the background in the control panel, especially since Windows blinds is a planned program, and there is no point in buying the program, because this is a defect in Windows blinds! If you buy a program, then it should completely change everything by 100% and not like yours by 90%...
First, as already mentioned by DrJBHL, changing/hacking or altering in any way the Windows system files is not allowed by Microsoft's EULA and you are actually breaking copyright laws. Secondly, the chances are that Microsoft make changes to the operating system that break that "feature you request" or creates other issues in Windows. You cannot expect a serious company that make their living by selling customizing software should start breaking the rules just to satisfy you. If you don't think Windowblinds live up to your standards and fill your needs for customizing, simply don't buy it.
The questions you had are now considered answered, and this thread is closed. Now please rest your case.
Jan Oscar, moderator.