@Neil Banfield (I hope I'm interpreting the name panel on the left correctly when assuming that you work for Stardock?)
I've now had 3 attempts at bringing this problem to the attention of Stardock, starting in June this year, but so far have had no acknowledgement from Stardock that it has either read any of them or recognised that there is something that could do with fixing.
I realise that this is an open public forum, and that responses cannot be guaranteed, but by the same token it seems to be the ONLY route to access Stardock Support. As far as I've been able to find so far, there IS no other route. No Support email address; no Support Department - just this forum. Or am I mistaken? If so, please correct and clarify.
Start 11 may not be a big or expensive product, but it is a paid-for one. Don't you consider that this lays some kind of obligation on you to listen to your customers, or at least acknowledge their existence, and listen to their queries or reports of bugs?
These 3 attempts are:-
1. https://forums.stardock.com/528587/page/1/#3934342
2. https://forums.stardock.com/527907/page/3/#3935360
3. https://forums.stardock.com/529970/page/1/#3940729
As the third one asks:-
"Could I ask Stardock for a response this time please, even if it's only to say "we see the problem, can reproduce it, but unfortunately we're not going to fix it".
"At least I'll know where we stand in relation to this problem."
Yet still no response whatever from Stardock.
I've tried to be polite and positive, but it seems to make no difference.
Quite apart from anything else, on the part of Stardock it constitutes a failure of manners.