Changing the titlebar font only works on skinned titlebars, and it is separate from classic titlebars.
Ok, let me ask. By CLASSIC, do you mean the standard OS titlebars?
If so, running the default skin in Windowblinds effectively "turns off" windowblinds and therefore font changes would have no effect. This would be normal and expected.
If I'm wrong on what you mean by classic, then tell me to shut
I ran the default skin in WindowBlinds (which needed a logout and a login to properly go into effect) and the font is still there. I found a way to change the font using the Classic Color Settings, which
did fix it for the
time being, but any time a
new theme is applied, it reverts to Times New Roman.

Fixed (focus on the bottom right corner)

Reapplied (focus on the bottom)
How do I even fix it at this point?