Enticing is something I've used a lot in GC 3 and GC 4. I plan for it in long game. It usually sends my computer into a frenzy to complete. With a full galaxy of every civilization and all options except pirates and minor civilizations maxed on creation; I purchased enticing in the late game where I was at 97% prestige. It's a sure thing to win and I got notifications of some achievements as I used the perk, but the game locked up never leaving the Culture point screen. I tried this several times while reloading my last save with the same effect freeze. I then turned off win conditions except total domination, with the same freeze. I waited several minutes periodically hitting esc, mouse button or enter to try to trigger the game to move on.
I looked at my CPU usage in task manager and 10% was being used non-stop like in a loop. Since I have 10 cores I wonder if the game is running off one core only for everything? The longest I gave this condition was 10 minutes before I end task on GC 4. The music had halted and there was no sign of a working process.
I also had on event in early game where a survey anomaly broke, couldn't be completed and said was constantly being surveyed. Several time anomalies that were defended targeted and killed my survey ship only and not the massive fleet with it. The Dread Fleet Mission wont complete staying at 2/3.
3080ti 12GB
3TB (1+2) m.2 SSD