It's 2017. Can we please have basic list sorting? I have dozens and dozens of starbases. Is it too much to ask to be able to sort the damn list alphabetically or by date of construction or something? I spend hours of my life scrolling through GalCiv lists because they lack basic, elementary sorting capability. I realize it's a nit. But I've seriously aged days, possibly weeks while trying to find things (ships, planets, etc. etc.). My children have grown old. My wife has left me. My dogs ignore me.
Frankly, the whole game has always seemed real light on being able to find and sort. GCII had a halfway decent colony screen. Now I have to click Govern, then Colonies just to see a list. Can't actually manage anything from this screen, however, and have to 'Go to Colony' to rush build. I just want a big ol Excel style sheet where I can rapidly go down the list and rush build dozens of things at a time. Or see all my ships on a sortable list and rapidly give them orders or rush upgrades or whatever. Same with starbases.
All this is fine with a dozen or two items. When you're dealing with hundreds of worlds or starbases or fleets, it is a UI nightmare.