Once again I'm going to start a bit off topic; as I'm not sure if Administrators are freed up when a Starbase Constructor is used to build a shipyard instead of a starbase. Thus, is it wiser to have the planet construct the shipyard? Just curious there.
Anyway, I've also always wondered, (and this is leading in to the topic), why shipyards are separate from Starbases? That is, why don't Starbases produce ships too?
It seems to me that the progression for a (Military and/or an Economic) starbase would be that of starting as a shipyard. Start as a Shipyard. Then Upgrade to a Stardock and finally into a full Starbase.
Under this concept: a Shipyard would be capable of producing one ship at a time (of any type); a Stardock could produce up to three at a time (but of a specific type: either social; or military); and then a Starbase would be capable of producing up to six at a time (also of a single type).
In the case of a Starbase, if six is too many, perhaps also only three; but at a much faster pace.
Just curious; but feel free to take it as a suggestion for the future.