Quoting ElanaAhova, reply 4feels like an alternate universe, now... lol,
Just to clarify...at last count there were 3 LOTR movies....and the Hobbit's gonna be a 3-bit one as well...
Long term memory isn't always what it was when if you flourished in the "last millennium." And I speak as one who did.
I first read LotR back in college, more than 40 years ago. Had my criticisms then; still do; but the sweep of the thing, and the music of its language, carries all before it. As much is true in its own way of The Ring Ouroboros, by another member of the same elite social group as Tolkien, to whom reality revolved around all the noble "upper types" who were automatically fit to rule, and a very few select low clowns. 
I don't recall LotR being attacked, though. Perhaps it was too early in its travels through the US, but it didn't make much of a dent. And while I'm sure at least a few hippie types loved it, it would have been a great irony for the group as a whole to embrace a novel built around nobility's natural superiority (except in one or two cases) to everyone else.
But I digress. Heller's Catch 22 and the novels of both Vonnegut and Bradbury were fiercely attacked while I was young, on largely ideological grounds. Much the same reasons for attacking them still exist, but since people have largely given up the quaint idea of reading for fun and thought, no on really cares any longer. It's like a Ukrainian acquaintance of mine (actually, the girl friend of my brother-in-law) says: censorship in the old Soviet was because people took ideas seriously. In cultures where ideas have little to no value, censorship isn't necessary.