Save scumming is cheating in my opinion. Strategy games are ALL about decisions (much like roguelikes, which are honestly more strategy than RPG sometimes) and reloading a bad decision is just totally against the spirit of strategy games. Strategy games are about dealing with the decisions you make and making critical decisions. Maybe I am just a 'hardcore' gamer or a purist or whatever you want to call it but I only save to take a break from the game and to avoid crashes. I use a single save and I don't go back - I live with my decisions. That is how I think a strategy game is supposed to be played. I always thought this was the norm for strategy games.
What do you guys think? Are you a save scummer or do you play ironman in FE? If you save scum why, I'd like to know the rationale.
(PS: Don't mean to come off as offensive or combative, just giving my opinion. Don't hate. haha.)