That's pretty funny.
I don't think something works right on my machine. It just flat seems to be bugged when it comes to NPCs attacking cities. Mainly, it NEVER ever happens. Not NPC enemy armies (even though they decalre war and attack my armies in the wild) and not wandering heroes. Wandering heroes will say ooo thta city looks ripe for the taking or w/e but then they go piddle around with wolves or fondle themselves in the mountains. I dunno what they're doing. Attacking my cities doesn't seem to be a priority for anything. That may be one of the biggest issues with why the game seems so easy.
I have only played 2 games so far... neither to full completion, it just seemed obvious after the first one where it was going. The second one isn't unfolding much different. I am not stacking medallions or rings or anything funky. Just research conquest, get weapons, armor, and stacks of doom, and I seem to romp over any/everything. I have Janusk, my sov, and my wife who I built up from a lowly 7hp 0/0 adventurer. Now they are all decked out in plate sporting lord hammers and riding horses. I have 10-12 4 unit stacks of something like 100+ hp 80+ attack ~70 def units and I seem to just steamroll everything I see.
In starcraft 1, sometimes the AI would go braindead and you'd get there and it would have a couple buildings, some drones, and nothing else. I'm beginning to wonder if something similar sometimes happens in EWOM. It seems like several of my opponents have done next to nothing at all when I find them.