Simple, (here in Canada, at least) Officers recruitment is (how it was in 1974 when i joined in fact, after College diplomation, 19) based on some tricky Highest degree of education; to increase chances of success of having the "right stuff" and finding out the rare pearl in a huge gang. Not that anyone else must be a Grunt or stupid enough not to BE a good ranking decision maker. Royal 22nd included, this country has a reputation of Peace Keeping missions and we pay the extremely high cost right now oversea as much as the actual US troops in Irak.
The service is voluntary and as such, even just 1 of 10 people could start BootCamp (in my case, Chilliwack, BC). For example, my platoon B began with 35 recruits, three months later on promotion day only 8 of these made it. Furthermore, assignment final orders ended up to BE for just 1 in 4 full patched (Lieutenant). That's what my Esquimalt base precision above was all about... i asked politely for Navy and THEY refused & i obeyed like every officer must do, cuz the priority at the time was Cyprus; no way, i was gonna go stand between Greeks & Turks & so delt with them another carreer which i'm in absolutely no liberty to discuss in any other situations than extremely superior ranking people in the CAF, held by state secrecy so high it boggles even the UN, itself. Serious, truth, no joke.
Annapolis, i suppose, isn't far off from Chilliwack in terms of getting into... but tell me, if you've got what it takes and can prove it (Smarts and Guts, Mindset & Capacity) why would your chances be any less than anyone else?
It doesn't matter what mom, dad, uncle, friends, schoolers, all forums posters, the entire wwweb, *me*, thinks -- an officer decides for himself first and last (while submitting to a very complex hierarchy both down & up, btw) --then-- must order a squad of fellow "soldiers" to battle for the worst.
With that in mind, i'm not even going to wish you good luck (for next year or more)... cuz, you know exactly what to do.
Whatever the choice + its eventual conditions both in & out of Training, boy.
Whatever the reasons.
Whatever the outcome.