Ok lets see your creative side, and write a new script for the Enterprise, depicting whatever you wish.
Rules (hey there has to be some)
1. Its a bit of fun, stay out of the boring side of Politics, Religion and Women. Keep it light hearted, and please no pretence and false subtlety in attempts to break the rule. Such attempts are usually so obvious a Phaser Beam through the upper deck observation post is less clear in comparison, whatever the originator may think. Light hearted Political Satire is encouraged (if thats your thing in life), boorish serious comment is banned (whatever your thing in life), is the order of the day.
2. Pick up where the previous author left off - precisely at that point, your first word must flow in synergy with their last word, and make sense in the context of what you are about to say.
3. Each post must be a short story / episode in its own right. Doesn’t have to be completed, you can leave it hanging in the air for the next author to pick up, but it needs to have some unique threads to it.
4. Follow on episodes topics are not constrained by what has happened before. eg (in the middle of a gory battle sequence) "Suddenly ....... (end of last story) ...... he woke up sweating, staring at the dark ceiling wondering why he kept having these apocalyptic dreams.... (etc)
5. It can be a 'serious' episode, comic (good comedy tho

), in the past present or future. Classic Enterprise story, GalCiv type, Classic Races, GalCiv Races, present day, Satire, whatever, but keep the story connection flowing back to the ship, dont stay away too long or it breaks continuity
6. Keep it clean ........ this is a family Site
7. Take the serious hat off, relax, regress, relive, and above all have fun

So it Begins =================================================================
He stared intently into the deep black darkness, his mind a whirlwind of emotion, doubt, energy, adrenaline pumped fear. His senses were jolted into hyper activity by the slightest suggestion of danger, the unknown, a sense of foreboding he had never felt before. The gentle vibration he felt around him seemed to shout "Stop, are you Crazy" as this unknown force tugged and pulled at his spinning emotions, punishing him for his self evident madness. He tried, he fought, twisted, turned, his brained yelled in synergy with this overwhelming desire to run, escape get away form this obvious insanity. There was a piercing flash of light, and he recoiled in fear, sweat pouring off his cold clammy forehead, pulse racing, chest pounding, screaming in horrible anticipation for what he was convinced was about to happen.
"Captain?, are you ok? " asked the radio operator. Suddenly, streaks of yellow and red lines leaped into his brain as a blurred rush of energy took over his vision and he watch fascinated as the lines converged into one bright spot, and he stared blankly at the sun's bright image in the moving space port doors as they majestically swung open, slowly clearing a way for the quivering ship whose engines growled in anticipation of the glorious release that was surely to follow when the docking restraints were released. Stars leapt into his vision and he quickly realised he had not succumbed to the dark forces he had felt earlier, as familiar star clusters and patterns shone through the now wide open Docking gates.
"I'm fine" he hoarsely replied, to the by now concerned member of the Duty Watch on the Enterprise. "Slow ahead on Impulse power, standby for Warp Factor 3 Scotty". The familiar Scottish reply seemed to calm his nerves, as the ship, the size of a small country on Earth, slid slowly from the Space Port. The Duty Watch relaxed as they detected their Captain assert his authority in his familiar confident manner over the largest ship the Federation has ever built for inter stellar travel, the latest in a long line of honourable Starships known as the Enterprise.
'All clear Captain' said Mr Spock gazing into the scanner displays. The ship leapt forward, unleashed as it obeyed Scotty's professional surgical response to his captains wishes for Warp Factor three. It felt free, majestic after its 12 year incarceration in the construction yard's dry dock. His pulse slowed, heart beat began to calm and the pounding in his chest eased as the ship made a perfect transition to Warp speed. Guess I shouldn’t have worried he thought, but he never had got used to the first launching of a new ship - particularly one so vital, so critical to the future of the Federation, that he still shuddered a little at the thought. To go where no man had gone before? What the hell was that supposed to mean. He still struggled with the vagueness of his orders, despite being many years old and accutely familiar.
There was no warning, the intensity was as absolute as it was excruciating when ...