Oh and to the OP, seriously dude, what prequels you been watching to not see the hate. The line "Qui Gon sir...what are midichlorins?" should have been enough right there to let ya know something was very, very wrong, let alone Jar Jar.
The concept of midichlorians isnt so bad. In fact, it explains why some of the most iconic star wars character ended up dying. Obi Wan, Qui-Gon, arguably some of the wisest of Star Wars series ended up dying despite their wisdom and connection to the force. If midichlorians didnt exist, and ones powers in the force were only weighed on their wisdom and spiritual connection to the force... well the sith would never win.
As for Jar Jar... thats hardly a reason to dismiss all of the prequels. Sure hes annoying, which is why, to alleviate that element for the audience hes given a thrashing at times like when Qui-Gon grabs his tongue. Either way, really not a big deal.
I'm thankful for one thing the prequels did deliver..John Williams' Duel of the Fates. That music and entire fight sequence is the one reason why i would ever watch Phantom Menace again....
Same here. That duel is pretty much what defined the whole movie. Its what I remember it most for.
Also, as I said, my pet peeve is plot holes. In Episode 3, why does Yoda run away? He doesnt necessarily lose the battle. He isnt seriously injured or anything. If I had been Yoda, Id have fought with Sideous to the death. The only thing that could explain his actions is if he somehow foresaw that he would one day train luke and that fighting sideous would only lead to his death.
Also, Ive heard about how ridiculously powerful sideous supposedly was, so how then was he so easily killed?