What is happening specifically in battles? I.e. it is just crashing or is something happening at the time?
the CTDs seem to be related to special ability usage in battle. For instance an air elemental uses it's special ability in battle. I see the start of the animation (hand go up in the air) but then it CTDs right there on the spot before it finishes. Likewise I had a hero with the ability to deal massive damage when I use his special ability. I walk up to someone press the sepcial attack button and he starts to swing but CTD before it finishes. I have seen this happen with somekind of imp thing the AI had too.
It might not be just special abilities. But I have not had any problems attacking normally or casting spells. I am also getting a CTD when I autoresolve. If it narrows it down I was not having these problems prior to the hotfix on Friday and likewise Ihave not changed by system configuration. In fact I just updated every driver on my computer to latest version.
latest debug.err file this one is from a CTD tactical battle when I try to use special ability