Hey guys, I'm still alive. And I renewed my WC sub today, and I'm still getting ads. Just wondering if it'll take care of itself or something I need to do.
Guessing, but I seem to remember maybe clearing cookies and cache then logging on again might help, Red.
Ok, Doc. The issue with that guess is that , since starting this thread, I actually had to reinstall my PC. So thee goes that theory.
BTW, still getting ads. Probably, I renewed the wrong account.
You can raise a question about that here: https://stardock.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/4/group/14/create/10139
You can refer them to this thread in lieu of repeating everything...as always, make note of the ticket number, and tell 'em Doc sent ya.
Done, Thanks Doc.
A pleasure, Jim. Regards to your Missus.
YAY!! No ads! Thanks guys!
Eeess feext quix draw.
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