Back in the beta releases of Windowblinds11, file explorer font for the statusbar/folders group in the middle were white when the substyle was set to dark mode. That does not seem to be the case in the final build of windowblinds11. Below is current version and below that was around the 2nd or 3rd build of WB11. Can this be looked into. Also when we went from windowblinds10 to 11, we lost access to making the quick access pane a set color. If you roll back to WB10 on windows 10, that section works as intended, but on WB11 it just draws a line where it would be.
Beta version of Windowblinds11. Notice how the Folders Text/Statusbar text is white.
Quickaccess pane Under WB10. (Win10)
Quickaccess pane Under WB11. (Win10)