Hello, I already bought Fences 3 a few years ago and before that also Fences 2.
Now I also have a laptop with my PC and would like to switch to Fences 4.
Do I have to buy this twice now or can I install Fences 4 on both devices?
Here are your options to buy Fences4 for either 1 or 5 Lic. https://www.stardock.com/products/fences/download
AzDudeStardock Community Assistant
i know that site. that was not the question.
So I need to buy 5 licences or twice to use it for my laptop too?
Yes 1 Lic. Is good for only. 1 pc.
So you will need the 5 lic. Option
for 2 pcs.
5 for 2. Best offer I heard
Of course you could buy 2 single Lics. Also.
Yes. Thanks. I thought there will be a discount for 2 devices.
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