Hello there. I recently purchased Fences via Steam since it was on sale and I already love the application. Using this application, I am able to clear up my desktop and make it look neat and organized. While clearing up my desktop, I really wanted to roll up my fences in the side of the screen so they are not just awkwardly sitting in the middle of an empty monitor, but sadly this isn't a feature. I wanted to make a suggestion and suggest the ability to roll up fences on the side of the screen in addition to the top and the bottom.
Currently, these are the two options we have when it comes to rolling up fences:
(Rolling up)
(Rolling down)
Now, if we had sideways rolling up, they could look something like this:
(Rolling left)
(Rolling right)
Alternatively, the title text could also go up-down. Example:
I personally like the first example since the up-down (vertical) title text looks a bit odd.
Although it may look a bit odd scrolling to the left and right, I personally find it a very useful feature and very aesthetic one as well. It allows for additional customization, especially if you wish to utilize screen borders as title holders in order to keep the center of your screen clean.
What do you think? I personally find it a very useful and easy (I do not know how these work, but I assume that it would not be very hard to implement as the only difference is the scrolling animation. All other animations (including scrolling within the fence itself ) would basically be the same.) feature to implement. This is my first time posting here, so hopefully I did not post in the wrong category. Thank you for your time and interest.