Half of 2020 gone? Really? I think I'm in a time warp.
Post your great screenies, WCers...
I thought I'd add mine to the discussion
What wb is that, SimplexDesign?
Its a recreation of the XP themes im currently working on. Luna blue style is done, just started working on the Silver style now.
Teal or "blueish"
Nice, Chuck!
I see you opted for the winflag
I'll be uploading a rainlendar collection later this week. Doing 9 versions might take a while!
Anyone for a "few" rainys? LINK
Aight, here ya go Community!
Thanks tons Brother!
Much thanks to you Jan!
Great looking desktop Curtis!
Great looking desktop, C!
Excellent Desktop Curtis
Bad ASS Screenie Curtis!!!! You know I love it!
Thanks tons Mike!
Thanks C-Bo, just wish I could keep up with yo' ass!!
Love this Windowblind. Where is it at?
Ok you asked for it, here is current. Windowblind is Allure by Lightstar recolored. gadget is a work in progress of my own. All icons on 2nd monitor.
Thanks Jan
Here you go Dcrew: https://www.adni18.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=704
Lightstar's new Xotic wb + Deep Purple wallpaper by Richard Mohler.Iconpackage is Colorado Avalanche from the Stardock premium suite by the same name. Don't know if it's available anymore.
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