i didnt mean the AI spamming disjunction – i mean proper use of dispel during combat. basically I charmed an enemy tier 3 unit and his reaction was dispelling the charm and charging this tier 3 unit into my hero killing it
and I ve seen quite a few similar encounters along those lines.
granted I was careless – but only because spending 1000s of hours in games where being “careless” was rarely a problem before.
and so far I have seen quite a few times that the AI uses damage spells where it makes sense – like finishing off a wounded unit in combat or hitting the stack with almost dead units outside of combat with nukes.
both are good examples of the AI R.E.P.E.A.T.E.D.L.Y. using spells to their advantage – whereas as far as I remember in the other similar games the AI uses spells more or less at random – and just to be clear, I m talking about the AI Factions, not random monsters.
of course monsters use the given spells/abilities they have frequently.
at the end of day it doesn’t really matter, believe me or not. what I just wanted to say is that the AI in AOW3 is progress – nothing more, nothing less. if one used silly numbers I d put the AI of AOW3 at a 3-4/10 whereas Warlock, Legendary Heroes, MoM and AOW2 are somewhere between around 1-2/10. ( oh and to put things in perspective, I absolute loved all those games despite that. I love them over games where I d rate the AI much higher. probably the AI in these games is so “weak” because of one of the aspects I love about those games: lots of different spells, units, races, items etc. )
a 3-4/10 isnt a great score, it means there s lot of rooms for improvement and lots of exploits that make the Ai look bad - by all means point them out (preferably on the AOW forums so the developers can try to fix em)
I don’t wanna be involved in any AOW3 versus FE:LH fanboy wars as I like both games – just finding it hilarious at the moment that AOW3 gets trashed for all the wrong reasons, i.e. stuff that it does cleary better than FE:LH (AI, waging wars with other civilizations, unit variety) whereas nobody complains about the the things that FE:LH really does better than AOW3 ( world exploration , interesting loot, quests ).
the way I see it between the 3 “modern” fantasy TBS:
Warlock: AI civilisations are pretty much useless filler. the fun in the game is exploring the world, the different planes, collecting tons of different units, building great cities, collecting all those special resource and experience perks and creating a “task force of doom” to clear the planes with for even more loot. if you want a challenge, play the armaggedon dremer DLC where you can fight some superpowered elite units. Warlock has a lot of charm but at the end of the day its much more of a RPG than strategy game.
AOW3: fighting AI civilizations is the meat of the game. huge battles/sieges, some annoying guerrilla warfare too ^^, exploration and loot play a very minor role, city managing is streamlined (not in a bad way though, once you think about it the “simplicity” makes a lot of sense ). and once you get over your first impressions there s lot of variety to be had between the different classes, races, independents etc. playing a warlord is fairly different to playing a rogue and even between playing a goblin rogue and say highelf rogue there s quite a few nice differences.
Legendary Heroes: a good mix between AOW3 and Warlock. I personally think in all the things warlock does well Legendary Heroes is just as good (although doing things different enough to like both games) but in Legendary Heroes AI civilization play more of a role than in warlock – although not as much as in AOW3.
MY personal preference right now is AOW3>FE:LH>Warlock but I admit AOW3 has a "new guy" bonus and i d rate all games as good and can understand anyone who has that order switched up differently – what I don’t understand is people seriously claiming one of those games to be great and another of them “shit”. smells of immature fanboy crap – sorry 
Anyways I m outta here, looking really forward to the next Elemental game (and Worlds of Magic and Warlock2 when its more reasonably priced considering its Warlock 1.2 in terms of content ^^) but meanwhile I m having a blast in AOW3 – not because its “better” but refreshingly different. and I can only recommend any fan of these types of games to at least give it a chance with an open mind. playing the game like you would play LH doesn’t work (well) – just like someone coming from AOW to LH might overreact and trash the game because he didn’t really get it / the differences yet.