Okay, so mrs s is feelin somewhat better today and is on the mend... thanks to all for the well wishes. Thing is, now I'm feeling like crap. It's probably that I've had no sleep whatsover and I'm running on empty, as I'm not suffering the nausea and stuff that befell Shaunna yesterday... touch wood.
So much for going to bed, eh! Not long after saying I would, my mother rang, saying that she and my sister were coming to visit, It would have been rude to have just gone to bed, so I spruced myself up a bit and hung in there. Besides, mother is off to the UK again and I wanted to catch up before she leaves on Wednesday.
There seems little point of going to bed now [1.56pm]. Hmmm, I may as well see if I can hang on 'til this evening to hopefully get back into a regular sleep pattern. I've been out of kilter in that regard for the past few weeks and would love to have a decent night's sleep again.
Anyway, back to the topic of backup software and what I've done thus far. Well I installed Macrium Reflect [free version] and found it quite capable and easy enough to use, and while it has a few more features than the built in solution in Win 8, it is lacking a few I'm accustomed to using. However, it is more than adequate for my backup needs... as is the built-in solution in Win 8.
As for Redo Backup and Recovery, well it is also easy enough to use and quite adequate for my needs.... decisions, decisions. Thing is, with Redo being disc based, I could actually use both without bloating my Windows installation, but would it be overkill with Win 8's backup utility as well? Then there's biting the bullet and spending the 20 bucks to get a full featured solution with Acronis' 2013 upgrade.
Hmmm, decisions, decisions! C'mon people, WTF do I go with... and no, the 20 bucks for Acronis 2013 isn't out of the question.