Boiling Blood- Target is cured of any curses, poisons, and diseases, but takes half damage Strategic/tactical
Immolation- Target gets +1+shards move and combat speed, but randomly takes damage each time they move. Tactical
Embers of Restoration- heals a unit fully by speeding its metabolism , but unit is unable to heal naturally again. Strategic/Tactical
Smoke- blinds an enemy unit , and causes them to take small damage each round. tactical
Flame Carpet- summons a carpet of fire under a unit. Same effect as levitation, but takes damage each round. Strategic.
Smoldering Wounds- renders a target unable to heal naturally. Tactical
Soulforge- makes a unit explode among death, hurting friend and foe alike. Strategic/Tactical.
Firebrand- makes a weapon do flaming damage. Strategic/Tacitcal
Withering Drought- destroys farms. Strategic.
Crazy Heat- sends a heat wave to drive a town crazy, doubling the time it takes to build improvements/train units. Strategic.