Eh, somebody comes on the forum and posts a passive agressive thread.
Gets hostile answers from forum regulars.
OP cries I'm being persecuted.
Seriously. The tone sets the music.
I will tell you, you should wait to release a complete version of the game instead of a beta. Its bad business.
Listen to me me me. I'll tell you, oh yes I will. Entitlement +1.
Also, please note that people expressing their disappointment with the game are mostly very polite and civil here, why the rabid fanbois are... not (Lord Xia comes to mind).
Yea, Lord Xia is not very nice, he's very rude in fact. Unfortunately for you, he's also often quite right with his post, even when he's rude.
I also like your stick, rabid fanboys are impolite. Fun sentence. It's like saying, oh, those assholes are impolite. You use an insult (fanboy) as a description for impolite people, being impolite yourself at the same time.
The general assumption on these forums is, that the release version of E:WoM was very flawed, technically not stable and mostly no fun. The current version got some fixes, but I wager to say that the majority still don't think of it too highly. It's not a very bad game, it's only decent and not very polished at all.
So, saying that the "fanboys" on these forums rabidly defend the game is laughable. Look a bit around and you'll see plenty of critisism off the game. The difference is, forum regulars KNOW that StarDock has acknowledged the faults of the current game. They are trying to fix it technically and want to improve some game mechanics. They even apologized for releasing the game in its old state and called it a mistake. They will give away a full remake for free to old customers, they hired new people so that the same thing won't happen again.
Surprisingly, this takes time. Engine corrections are very time intensive (which are necessary to resolve memory issues).
And in comes the OP crying about how the game isn't to his liking and basically declares that StarDock has done nothing to amend for the old release.
The nerve! *monocle*
You honestly wonder why the OP gets a negative reaction to that? Really?