Hi, well I haven't really fallen, more of a stumble.
I received gmc2's gracious gift of my CS4, but, I alas, cannot open it. Yes, I know I said I love it. Nothings changed there, but the opening.
Here are my particulars... AMD Athlon (tm) 7750 Dual Core Proccessor, 2.70 GHZ Ram_4.00 GB (3.50) useable. [ram may be important,for lack of space?] Windows 7 Home Premium. Direct X11. Active X 64 bit. ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics
I place my CS4 cd in my pc, go to my C:\ folder area and find my CS4 in DVD RW Drive (D:) automatically. Then I dble click PS setup but, instead of opening the page gets transparent? Or I get install with Adobe setup.exe. But, it doesn't work. I checked Tweak 7 and it said Adobe is awaiting input or hung? Then asks force termination? yes or no. I've tried downloading CS4 trials but, there are non. Only CS5 trials out there.... I'm at a loss. I've tried Everything.
Does anyone know what I can do?