Forums (Curtesy of E:EE):
I know it's rediculously early to start thinking about mods, but since I've already started making Barad-dur (go here: ) I figured I might as well "claim" the LotR mod now
Since very little is known about the exact game mechanics of Elemental, all of this is very much up in the air and subject to change, but here are my preliminary ideas.
I plan to have this mod span more than just the 3rd Age (ie, the Silmarillion) but at the beginning it will be primarily focused on the 3rd age, with more races, etc to follow. The first release will be Sauron, then probably Gondor, the Lonely Mtn, Rohan, then Saruman, followed by more.
Playable Factions:
Color coded to make it easier to differentiate factions
- Red = Evil
- Blue = Good
- Green = NPC
1. Gondor 3rd Age - I'm still not completely sure how they will work out. They don't really have anything comparable to a "channeler" so this could be hard. They will be strong defensively, but less so offensively.
- Sovereign - Denethor
- Heros
- Aragorn (maybe)
- Prince Imrahil
- Faramir
- Boromir
- Units
- Generic Soldier - Relatively well equiped, somewhat expensive
- Tower Guard - Elite soldier. Well equiped, very expensive
2. Sauron 3rd Age - Sauron will obviously be your channeler. Hopefully it will be possible for channelers to be made immobile, in which case Sauron will be confined to his foretress (Barad-dur). Sauron will be basicly all about military. Mainly spamming orcs, but with some other stronger units thrown in. For the most part, his magical abilities will be limited to changing the weather and that sort of thing (assuming that is possible) So he can send black clouds over his opponents that weaken/demoralize them but strenghten his own army, that sort of thing.
- Sovereign - Sauron
- Heros
- Nazgul (8 of them)
- Lord of the Nazgul - Both the Lord and the regular Nazgul start on foot, but can be upgraded to horses, then eventually to the giant bird-things
- Units
- Orc - Cheap, poorly equiped, but easy to get a lot of them
- Troll - Expensive but still poorly equiped. Make up for it with brute strength
- Southron - Better equiped than orcs but still not equal to soldier of Gondor
3. Rohan - Much like Gondor, I'm not completely sure how they will work. Their army will obviously be based around calvary.
- Sovereign - King Theoden
- Heros
- Eomer
- Eowyn (maybe)
- Elfhelm (maybe)
- Erkenbrand (maybe)
- Units
- Genreic Soldier - Just your ordinary soldier. Slightly less well equipped and less expensive than Gondor generic soldier
- Rider - Mounted calvary (duh) Best calvary of all factions. Expensive and well equipped
4. The Lonely Mountain (Dwarves) - Yet again, how their channeler will work is unkown. They will be very good at mining resources, building weapons/armor, and they will be hard to kill, but their will be relatively few of them.
- Sovereign - Dain
- Heros
- Units
- Dwarf - Very well equipped, hard to kill, but expensive
5. Isengard - One of the few factions that will have a mobile channeler of sorts. They will obviously be based out of the Orthanc. They will be very good at manipulating others to do their will (ie, good diplomacy). Uruk-hai will be stronger + better armored than Mordor Orcs, but less numerous.
- Sovereign - Saruman
- Heros
- Wormtounge (maybe)
- Ugluk (maybe)
- Units
- Uruk-hai - Stronger than normal orcs, better equipped, more expensive
- Men of Dunland - Cheaper than Uruk-hai, not as well equiped
6. Gondor 2nd Age (Possibly combined with Arnor) - Similar to 3rd Age Gondor, but with more emphasis on offence over defence.
- Sovereign - Elendil
- Heros
- Units
- Generic Soldier - Similar to 3rd Age soldier, but better equiped and more expensive
7. Elves 2nd Age - They will have less emphasis on military than the other races, but still be a force to be reckoned with. Beyond that, I'm not sure.
- Sovereign - Gil-Galad
- Heros
8. ?Numenor - Maybe. How they will be done, assuming they are put in, remains to be seen.
9. Kazad-Dum/Moria - Similar to Lonely Mtn Dwarves. Better at mining, better armor (Mithril).
- Sovereign - Durin (maybe)
10. Sauron 2nd Age - More emphasis on building of strength of channeler (Sauron) than 3rd Age varient but otherwise similar. Sauron will be mobile.
11. Melkor/Morgorth - Similar to Sauron of the 3rd Age. Relatively immobile (maybe can move a little) Has ability to recruit many powerful heros (dragons, balrogs, etc. Sauron may also be one of his heros)
12. Gondolin - Specializes in steath and secrecy and is good at defence. Smaller army, but good at hit + runs
13. Doriath - I have no idea how to do this. They will try to stay out of conflict. They will be able to use powerful defensive spells to protect their kingdom, but have little magic beyond that.
14. ?Valar - This one is very questionable. How to make them balanced but at the same time incredibly powerful? If any one of these races were likely not to be included, it would be the Valar.
15. Angmar - Not really sure how this would work, but there needs to be more evil factions to balance things out.
Non-Playable Factions:
1. Lothlorien - They will mind their own business, pretty much safe from all but the biggest attacks on their land. If you do something to piss them off, they will come down on you like a ton of bricks and smash you to little pieces, but they won't be willing to chase you very far.
2. Ents - Similar to Lothlorien. Stay away from them and you'll be good. But if you start building cities in the middle of their forest, or cutting it down for resources, they will ravage your lands and cities, worse than Lothlorien. As a trade off, though, it will take more to make them angry. They may also be "invisible" so that players wont' know which forests are Ent forests until it's too late, so they want to be careful about where they get resources from/build cities/march armies, etc. They would also be less cohesive than Lothlorien, so you might end up with only one Ent attacking you, or 20 of them plus hundreds of Hurons, depending on how deep into the forest you go/what you do to them.
So, as you can see, I plan to have many races, but how they will all work out is unknown. For pretty much all of them, how their channeler will be used is completely unknown.
Until Elemental gets closer to release, my main focus will be the visual aspects, since that is really all I can do at the moment. As I said earlier, I am working on Barad-dur (I'll post info on that later) Once it is done, I'll probably make the Orthanc, but after that, I'm not sure. I could model Minas Tirith, but because that is a city, it might not be possible for it to "grow" if I just model the whole thing.
Anyway, what are your thoughts? Any other races/factions I'm forgetting? (I'm sure there are ) And I can not stress enough that all of this is very preliminary and none of it is set in stone. I just wanted to post my ideas, and "stake my claim" so to speak in the LotR mod
Oh yes, and hopefully when the Modding section of the forums is made, a moderator can move this thread there.
I'm sure there are other things I'm forgetting, so I'll add those as I think of them. And sorry for the wall of text