im still having network issues, i thought hey heres an idea i will rename my logfile, launch DG, try connecting (fail as usual) then look over my logfile.
lets see whats going on.
1st of all heres my network settings:
[interwebs] <--> [router/modem] (i have a static IP incidentaly)<--> [my pc][and other pc's]
i have set ports with ImpulseReactorOptions.exe to :6074 - 6174. giving me 100 ports open just for DG.
the router is set to forward ports 6073(default hosting port) through to 6174 directly to my PC.
my PC has is a fresh XP install, with NO firewall or antivirus software at all (windows firewall is off).
i have tested my ports with the portforward tool, checked the 6073, 6174 and a random selection inbetween all ports tested OK.
so, looking through my past logfile where i had the NAT fail message i noticed this line that realy made my blood boil:
thats right, apparently even though i have 101 ports opened for DG its decided that i should use the NAT server which has been ever so helpfull so far....
heres the little lump of data when the login is done:
info: Connecting to Impulse LIVE Server.
info: CVP_AppData:
szAppName: Demigod
szAppExe: Demigod.exe
szAppVersion: MAIN.1.00.0113
szProgramDataDir: C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Demigod\
szAppCompany: Gas Powered Games
dwTitleID: 444
bAutoCreateDefaultPlayer: 1
bUseNatPunchthrough: 1
bCheckGameVersionOnJoin: 1
bUseTestServer: 0
dwDefaultNATFacilitatorPort: 6000
dwMaxNumConnections: 0
notice: bUseNatPunchthrough: 1
my port forwarding is having absolutely no use at all, whats the frickin point?
next snip from log:
info: Impulse asked if we are connected to 34933[]. We are not
info: ImplCVPInterface::OnNATComplete
info: >>>Entering CVPInterface::GetPlayerData()
info: >>>Exiting CVPInterface::GetPlayerData()
info: Impulse wants us to connect to someone(User ID 34933) at and port 3514. They also say our external IP:Port is
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to localhost:3514.
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "Leitbild" [localhost:3514, uid=34933]
info: System: Connecting to Leitbild...
basicly at the moment i have been connecting to lobby, connecting to all players except for 1 and no matter what i cant connect to them, and the game cant start.
what i find intresting here is the attempted connection to localhost (thats your own computer btw) i can only assume the NAT system works by creating a VPN style tunnel that forwards localhost connections on certain ports out to the NAT server and onwards to the other player, _OR_ that they are asking the other players IP and being told that its and in turn asking you to connect to yourself thinking its the other person, basicly resulting in an EPIC FAIL!
What i would realy like to see is a "NETWORK" tab in the options, where you can set your port range, set the client to NOT use the NAT server, and also click "test my network settings" to confirm that DG is listening and the ports are open.