EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at address 0x00a1a0ca
attempted to read memory at 0x000000d0
warning: hoak can't use ability Item_Siege_Archer_010 because of \000{ Energy=true }
info: *UITest: \0001\000 \000Forces of Darkness killed Etlvor assisted by Snoogles, chameleon64,
info: *UITest: \0002\000 \000lesthat1 (+750 gold)
info: *UITest: \0001\000 \000Snoogles killed Hateh (+1300 gold) assisted by chameleon64,
info: *UITest: \0002\000 \000lesthat1 (+650 gold)
warning: Error running /lua/sim/tasks/PowerUpPickupTask.lua script in CScriptObject at 26941a70: ...dock games\demigod\dgdata.zip\lua\sim\scripttask.lua(74): ScriptTask.TaskTick called. Did you forget to add TaskName to your command lua param table?
stack traceback:
[C]: in function `error'
...dock games\demigod\dgdata.zip\lua\sim\scripttask.lua(74): in function <...dock games\demigod\dgdata.zip\lua\sim\scripttask.lua:72>
info: Can't use \000HOAKSurgeofFaith01