Ran across 2 bugs in my current game.
1) I upgraded my ship (bullpup (small & mean)) to a newer version(bullpup mk2). I clicked the upgrade all ships of this type checkbox. This upgrade was going to cost me ~11,000bc and I only had ~300bc. So i figurered it was either go into massive debt or the Yor would wipe me out. So I clicked the Accept button. Lo and behold my Civilization's balance dropped to -2000 (instead of ~ -10,700bc) which I was able to repay off in short order. So I got 8,000bc worth of upgrades for free.
2) In my oh so epic war against the Yor , my buddies the Alterians and Arcaens have both been giving me ships to aid me in my struggle. The bug is that eveything they have given me turns out to be starbases in the weirdest places (like an influence and military starbase in the middle of the Alterian home system, far far away from my conflict with the Yor) Not particularly useful in my desperate struggle. (But at least I can give them back as gifts and earn some friendship points