I am using Start11 2.51 with most recent update installed, with the Windows 10 style Start menu.
I find it difficult to drag and drop tiles on the Windows 10 style Start menu without upsetting all the other tiles. It too readily causes other tiles to move as the one being dragged passes over, and I end up having to spend minutes putting all the other tiles back manually because the layout is all wrong. What is needs is a short delay before moving other tiles, so if you are just passing over they don't move, and when you get to the drop position after a short pause then it moves just the tile(s) underneath.
Secondly, I find it too readily wants to create a subfolder if I drag a tile over another one and don't quite get the position right to make the one underneath move. It would be helpful if there could be a confirmation prompt "do you want to create a subfolder?", and the detection zone between moving and creating a subfolder could be made a bit bigger so that I don't get so many accidental subfolders (which are then difficult to undo because of the abovementioned drag & drop difficulty). Perhaps there could be an option in the right-click menu of a subfolder which moves all its tiles onto the main group and removes the subfolder?
Finally, I find when I pin a new program to the Start11 menu, it always wants to insert the tile in the first or second position of the first row of the group, which again causes all the other tiles to move and upsets my layout. It would be better if it would add the new tile in an empty space in the group, with preference toward the bottom/right of the group.