Every time I remove the laptop from the docking station it causes the Static wallpapers on Screens 3 & 4 to swap of the Stardock Deskscape Display Matrix. This wouldn't be so much of an issue if one of my monitors wasn't vertical. It's very annoying to constantly have to change the two wallpapers because Deskscape isn't able to check and see the last state it seems when using DisplayLink and auto correct. When using Multiple Monitors that are directly connected via each video port on the desktop PC, it does not have this issue.
For perspective I will list the configuration modes that I traced out until I was able to discern which Matrix mapping the system was actually using. There are two configurations because it can change after undocking.
System [4,3,2,1], but can change to [2,4,3,1]

DisplayLink [1,4,3,2]

Intel GCC [2,3,1,4], but can change to [1,3,2,4]

Stardock Deskscape [4,1,3,2] and switches to [3,1,4,2] if removed from dock.
Deskcapes Matrix is the one I figured out by arbitrarily placing a wallpaper until I figured out which Monitor # it was holding to.
Current thought process is, I can work with the community and this can be remedied, or I can find a piece of software that does it without question. So I'm here attempting to get this to be resolved as I don't want to buy another piece of software just to fix a problem that others may be facing with this software here.