For those with some 2.5 issues we have a test build
New beta build replaces this so use that version on the store now.
Changes :
1) Hopefully resolved issue with explorer windows popping up on Win11 with ExplorerPatcher and potentially could happen on Win10 too.
2) Resolved some issues with work areas with WinStep when using enhanced taskbar and Winstep reserving screen space.
3) Resolved issue with run as admin for some pinned shortcuts in Win10/11/etc menus
4) Resolved issue with non functional taskbar buttons on secondary screen when focus is set to the taskbar or desktop sometimes
5) Fix for workspace calculation when taskbar is at the top of the screen in some situations
6) Removed excess line in Win10 all apps list at the top.
7) Tweak for apps which setup workspace areas which start at bootup
Please do let us know if this helps. I recommend uninstalling first, rebooting and then installing the new build.