Level 10 No. 021 is 'mostly' up and running.
It came complete with a MoBo, CPU and fan and various cables and was pretty 'dirty' ... the previous owner was clearly a smoker.
Yes, in the good old days of smoking on planes the service crews could always find cabin leaks from the nicotine stains [true story].
The MoBo was a Gigabyte GA-Z170X Gaming 7 LGA1151 MotherBoard, and the CPU was Intel i7 7700 3.60Ghz @3.50Ghz LGA1151 CPU, so not too scruffy.
I hunted down 4x16G DDR4 for it and things were going great with the 'old' Antec TruePower 1000w PSU I added....
Until I got around to hooking up a drive...then things went decidedly 'south'.
There's apparently a DO-NOT-EVER-DO rule with Modular PSUs....
You'd kinda assume standardized pin setups on Modulars...but no.
I plugged in a blank SSD and the Sata data cable promptly went into meltdown...smoke everywhere while I yanked out the power lead.
Long story short... the 1000w Antec promptly fucked itself and became a book-end, but not before taking out 4 of the 8 SATA sockets on the MoBo.
So, the PSU has gone to God...along with every "not used" Modular cable [and the burnt Sata].
Not all a disaster as I have a nice new PSU [with all matched cables] and a PCIe to Sata card to replace the 4 dead sockets.
Total expenditure looks like a bit less than a quarter of the original's price [the No.221].
If you ever get a second hand computer simply dump any power leads it might have before you add a new PSU.