Hello Pelaird
Thank you for your quick and professional help. I appreciate such answers, which quickly lead to the goal !!!
1. i immediately linked the online manual to my desktop. It helps a lot.
2. inheriting the settings of a sample window to all other windows works perfectly.
3. the setting with the grids between the windows also works “almost” satisfactorily. I have selected a spacing of 10 pixels. In some places you have to use the shift key in addition to cancel out the grid and fine-tune it. I have the subjective impression that this is always the case when windows of different sizes face each other.
4. what really bothers me: The configuration menu with its 11 sub-chapters is written in a horrible mess of German and English, despite the setting “System language German”. Given that Fences has been around for so long, this is an absolute disgrace, especially in view of the highly professional translation programs available online. It's a big mystery to me what the developers in Plymouth where thinking abaout.
Now my desktop looks really tidy and beautiful; I'm really happy with it. Now Christmas can come 
With this in mind, I wish you a cuddly, warm, bright, contemplative, heavenly, peaceful, angelic, calorie-bombing and reindeer-strong Christmas.
Kind Regards - Rolf