I had the same reasons as JLTGR to stay on Windows 10. Then I read that Start11 was now able to force the taskbar to my prefered right side of the screen, so I purchased and installed it on my freshly upgraded Windows 11 Pro 24H2 rig. But no go: stable version 2 is not able to.
But then someone online pointed me to the beta. And that works just fine
(for the most part).
My steps: first align default taskbar to center, set prefered taskbar and Start button position in Start11, restart Explorer et voilà!
No problems with portable programs or delays. But the network symbol is now upside down and like in JLTGR's example the sound icon is off set. The very small and ugly time and date font is a known Windows 11 error.

BTW: I have two local accounts. One daily user and one administrator. I installed and tweaked Start11 from within the admin account. Then, only had to fine tune a few things in the user account.
Update Dec. 31
I notice a delay immediately after logging in (on both accounts). It takes 1 to 3 seconds for the taskbar to reposition from the bottom to the right of the screen.
Having all the signing, locking, restarting and shutting down under one single button is great.