1. I also discovered a worse problem. The remote computer when powered up and I use Multiplicity in KVM mode to connect to it all I get is a black screen at what is the the lock screen of the remote computer. I can not get the lock screen to display any graphics or the password field. I have to type blindly the login password and hopefully do not make a typing mistake.
So you are able to type in the password and it accepts it, yes?
Why does it say (Seamless) for Greg_i5? This is the remote computer and should only be set to KVM mode.
One cannot invoke a direct KVM connection with hotkeys directly. While you can open the KVM connection window with Hotkeys, they are primarily for Seamless connections.
Frustrated99, are you 100% certain you have the same version of MP4 installed on ALL the PCs you are testing on? The file version for MultiplicityConfig.exe should be for each

Only thing that fixes the issue is if I go to full screen which gets rid of the scroll bar and I can then click anywhere on the desktop without issues. This however has an issue with mouse cursor disappearing 2 above.
I am afraid I don't know what '2 above' means.
Your issues seem very unique to the release. If you continue to have them, please create a thread of your own and we will work with you on them there.
Please include as much information as possible, PCs, OS version, the Secondary in question, how many monitors, how they are connected (HDMI, docking station, etc) and the resolutions for each.
Sean Drohan
Stardock Product Lifecycle Manager