Another year almost gone, but at least with some joy!
Two desktops this month! Hanukkah and Friends wb by k10w3 with WInky Happy Hanukkah wall by me and AI. Christmas Joy by Lightstar with Winky Merry Christmas wall by me and AI. Enjoy, all at SD and WC...Happy Holidays to all!
You are correct Sir!
I just sent you a PM Chuck.
Looks great, Don & Chuck! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both! 🎅
Thank you Chuck for using my wall Christmas Bouquet!
Beautiful wall, Barb! .
Love the skin and and color coordination, mmclure67...
The skin is Mirage2 by the famous Night Train. Not available anymore or at least here.
The Dream is Snowy Mountain Cabin by Cyberslober.
Widgets are mine for personal use.
Love the warmth and coordination, BDBF!
Night Train. Wow. So long since anyone posted his masterful skins. Bravo, Chuck.
Nice desktop Chasbo!
Pitch Black2 recolored red by REMOLACIO. The skin isn't here anymore, I can't find it.
The Dream of string lights is by AzDude.
My widgets for personal use.
Tried make a colorful Desktop.
Wish I had that one! Great skin, Chuck...and adding the Az Dream? Perfect!
This is a screenshot of what I'm using, right now; Stargate SG-1 by John Gordon. I know it's not very Christmas-y but I just lost my father, not even 2 months ago and my uncle a few days ago. So, I don't feel very much like celebrating. But for the rest of you here, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year. All the best!
I'm so sorry to hear this, my friend. Please accept my condolences. I agree there isn't much to're in a period of acute grief. Go easy on yourself and be with family and friends. Please remember we're your friends and care.
And it's a cool desktop, btw.
My X-Mas Desktop for this Year.......
Dark Christmas 22 By Don and Wall by the Dude
Just listening to The Ramones "Merry Christmas"
"Frohe Weihnacht" and all the best for all of you and your familys..........
Many Greetz from Germany
Frohe Weihnachten, Lothar.
May there be PEACE for everybody.........
Viel Glück dabei.
Appreciate your kind words and thoughts, Doc. I consider you a friend, as well. And all the regulars here in the forums. You guys are the best!
You've got mail, my friend.
Windowblind is Tronix by LightStar, I don't have link.
Dream is Beautiful Christmas Castle by Cyberslober.
Icons are from the SE Interface series by mrSkope.
I was always a big fan of Layne Karkruff the artist, so much so that I made a whole suite of skins using his website graphics. There is a DesktopX theme, a Windowblinds skin and a Xion player. He never replied when I asked for permission to release them, so they have just stayed in my vault with a million other things I never released. Oh well..... I still think it looks quite nice.
Great setup!
Yow! "Oh well..... I still think it looks quite nice." - quite the understatement. Looks phenomenal, BoXXi.
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