So when I right click on the taskbar icon to wake up my secondary, the wake on lan option is now greyed out. I can seamless to it fine, I can KVM to it fine, and I can even WOL it if i open multiplicity and use the option from within the GUI. I just cant do it from the menu in the tray.
I "think" this began presenting when I accidentally deleted my "Network" network profile. I was deleting the ~150 entries protonVPN made and clicked a bit too rapidly. After a restart it asked for me for permissions to allow network access to all kinds of applications again so I assume this is the result of something to that end.
I made sure stardock multiplicty 4 has public and private network access in windows firewall but no change. Also uninstalled multiplicity, deleted all windows firewall entries, restarted, and reinstalled multiplicity. also restarted router/gateway/switch. No idea what is preventing the option from even being accessible in the context menu 
anyone ran into this before?